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Freedom, Imagine It!

Loan Payment Freedom Secrets

Why would you be completely free of loan payments?

It’s contrary to everything you have been taught.

Debt has become the American way to have what you need and want.

Some say that the economy depends on debt. It’s almost become your civic duty to have loans.

In reality, you would be better off with no debts at all — no mortgage, no car loans, no credit cards —absolutely no debts!

It may seem that you can’t have as good a life with no debts. How can you buy all the things society says you need?

Yet credit carries a high cost, not only financially, but also emotionally and physically.

You can enjoy a more desirable lifestyle than society teaches, a different lifestyle than most people endure. Most people lose financially and only a few WIN. You can begin imitating these successful few WINNERS and stop blindly following the losing majority.

Imagine living the lifestyle you have always dreamed. Own your home without making payments on it. Buy your next home with cash. Money can come to you every month whether you go to work or not. Have the time and the money to do all the things you’ve always dreamed about.

When you enthusiastically accept this philosophy and implement my Loan Payment Freedom Secrets plan, all of this and more can be yours. Anyone can do this and you can too.

You can learn and use the fastest and most certain plan to become debt-free and financially independent.

You could pay off all your loans including your mortgage in as little as five years. You may need a little longer, perhaps seven to ten years for most people.

And, it gets better.

Next, take the money you were wasting on loan payments and invest it for retirement.

Then you’ll be free. You’ll have more choices in your life.

You could take a job that pays less money but that you enjoy more. You’ll no longer have to work at a job you hate, doing work you hate, just to bring in enough income to pay the bills (all those payments!).

You’ll have money coming in every month whether you work or not. You can take your dream vacations, live where you’ve always wanted to live, do what you enjoy, help others, volunteer, enjoy your hobbies, your children, your grandchildren and on and on.

This is about the freedom to make choices, freedom from the bondage of debt, freedom from financial worries. It can be yours.

You Have Been Seduced

Why don’t you have this freedom now? If it makes so much sense and it’s a better life why aren’t you living it?

Merchants selling products and creditors providing expensive financing profit from your spending. Government encourages you to spend money for a “strong economy.”

These influential cultural forces teach you from the time you are young to handle your money the way they want you to, because it benefits them.

Think about the enormous amount of marketing that swirls all around you every day. The advertising on television, radio, magazines, newspapers and the internet tempts, cajoles and beseeches you to buy products, to use credit if you have to (or even if you don’t have to)—and it preaches that you can’t be the right kind of person without these products.

People accept far too much of the hype without thinking it through. Marketers have so conditioned consumers to think short-term, fine-tuning them to expect instant gratification, that people don’t stop to consider the long-term consequences of their decisions.

These consequences range from your buying things you really don’t need, that you throw out next month or sell next year at a garage sale for pennies on the dollar, to paying two or three times too much for a home, too much for cars and too much for most things in life.

What’s worse, you have to earn this money. You have to work all year for most of your life to keep up with what society says you should do.

People have been seduced into believing that both husband and wife must earn an income even if they don’t want to. They’re working for the money, not for the enjoyment of the job. Someone else is raising their children. The family lives in a warehouse for their furniture, with little time to enjoy the house for which they pay two to three times its value.

Does this describe you? If so, society may have convinced you that this is the way you have to live.

Think about it. Merchandisers and marketers make their living figuring out how to get you to do what they want. They spend all day thinking about it. You don’t – you’re too busy with your life. So you hear their messages and often blindly follow their instructions.

They tell you:

– Buy it now. You deserve it!
– Use your credit card. It’s “smart money!”
– Use other people’s money!
– Keep up with the Joneses!
– Don’t pay off your mortgage. It’s the last tax shelter you have left!
– Invest at the same time you’re paying your debts!

Thinking this way is not good for you. You need a better way.

Look out for yourself instead of just doing what society tells you. Start doing what’s good for you and not what’s good only for them.

I can show you how to do this.

It can give you a better life and the long-term success that you want.

The Fastest and Safest Plan

I can show you the fastest, safest loan elimination plan available.

It’s fastest because I know of no faster method to pay off all loans—mortgage, car loans, credit cards, student loans, etc.

It’s safest because although there are other ways to become financially independent (and you might end up with more money), those ideas carry a greater risk of failing and losing money.

You may argue with some elements of my strategy. If so, please consider these two questions.

Are you simply restating what the culture has taught you?

I can show you a plan that in many ways is exactly the opposite of what society teaches you.

Think through anything you might challenge about my plan and be sure that you aren’t still simply following the culture’s indoctrination. Remember, thinking like the culture leads most people to financial failure.

Is your alternative as fast or as safe as my strategy?

There may be other ways to be debt-free and build wealth faster, but are they as safe?  Is there a chance of losing your money?

For example, think of the people who borrowed against their homes to invest in the stock market in the late 1990s. Or they had high mortgage loan balances in 2008 when the real estate prices crashed.

Chances are they ended up with little to show for it except a higher mortgage payment – if they managed to keep their house at all.

They had reasoned that they could earn higher returns in the stock market than the interest rates on their mortgages.

That may have been true as long as the market was doing well. When the stock market downturn came, they lost most of that money and still had to pay the debt.

It wasn’t a safe strategy after all even though the potential for large gains had existed.

What I can teach you is both fast and safe.


First, as a Real Mortgage Consultant I help you get the right mortgage loan that you can pay off as quickly as possible.  Choosing the correct mortgage loan is much more than just finding the lowest rate and fees.

Then, I show you how to become completely free of debt in as little as six to ten years (many people can do it in six years — most can do it within ten).

This means no loans at all — no mortgage payments, no car payments, no credit card payments, no student loan payments, etc. — no payments to creditors for anything!

I discuss how living on cash, not credit, is the best way to live.

Most importantly, I explain how you can do it.

Once you are completely free of all loan payments, you will have positioned yourself for your ultimate goal: building enough wealth so that you are financially free to do what you want, when you want and where you want. Having enough financial resources to live your dreams, give money away, volunteer and contribute to (rather than take from) other people is a much better and more satisfying life.

My goal is to bring you to the point where you can invest the money you are now wasting on debts.

Paying off all loans is your first step to financial independence. After that, you will invest for retirement.

My strategy gives you six to ten years to learn more details about investing from a variety of sources.

Contact us now for more information.

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