Homeowners who want to buy their next home.
You’ve decided it’s time to sell your house and move into your next home . . .
You need to sell one house and buy your next home, almost at the same time if you can.
And for most people, that’s how it needs to be. Most families cannot afford to own two houses and make two mortgage payments at the same time.
That’s only the beginning of the challenges in this process. This is especially true when the market is so uncertain.
You will need to think this through. Take the necessary steps in the proper order. If you don’t, you could end up full of regret instead of full of the blessings a new home can bring.
Don’t start by making a mistake
Most people start off wrong. They make the biggest mistake right out of the gate! They hire a real estate agent before doing anything else.
Instead, their first move should be to talk with a dependable Real Mortgage Consultant.
Going to a real estate agent first seems like the right move. Of course! It’s the real estate agent who will sell your house — it would only make sense, right?
Except for this. A real estate agent can’t help you be sure that you are making a wise financial decision. Only your fully-trained Real Mortgage Consultant can help you do that and gets the job done.
Start with your Real Mortgage Consultant
Your leading Real Mortgage Consultant will help you make sure you are set up for success. This is never more needed than when you are selling your house and buying your next home.
Save yourself the heartache of a bungled closing. You can’t afford an unexpected mortgage problem that could have been prevented.
Have the peace of mind that selling your house and buying another home is a wise financial decision for you.
Yes, it’s true that some real estate agents have their own preferred lenders.
That does not mean that agent’s preferred lender is the right lender for you. Most likely that agent’s preferred lender is a typical run-of-the-mill loan officer.
Do what is right for you
Remember, it’s better for you that you find a credible Real Mortgage Consultant who will be on your side. You lose with a typical run-of-the-mill loan officer who is on the side of the real estate agent.
Don’t waste time. Get the straight information right away.
We all need someone who’s willing to tell it like it is. You need the straight information — right away.
If you hire a real estate agent first, all you can do is assume. The real estate agent can’t tell you what you can afford to sell for, or what you can buy for.
A good real estate agent won’t work with you anyway until you get the financial part in order.
A bad agent will let almost anyone in the car to preview homes. It won’t matter to a bad agent whether they are pre-approved. That agent will have no knowledge of if the buyer can even get financing. Some agents can be desperate for anything. So they will do anything, even if it doesn’t make sense.
Why you need a Real Mortgage Consultant
Your authentic Real Mortgage Consultant will give it to you straight. We don’t play games with facts. There will be no reason to be inefficient or waste time.
The first thing you need to know is whether your finances work.
Your genuine Real Mortgage Consultant will get to know you. What are your goals? What are you trying to do?
By working with your recognized Real Mortgage Consultant . . .
You will be confident that you have your financial plan in place . . .
You will be confident that you are working with your professional Real Mortgage Consultant who wants the best for you . . . The choice is as clear as crystal.
And you can go into the sale of your house and the purchase of your next home with confidence. You will have the knowledge that you are not wasting your time.
That is the power of starting with a fully-trained Real Mortgage Consultant, not a real estate agent.
Know for sure you can really buy your next home.
You need to have the whole process planned out.
Know where you are going and that you can get there before you begin.
As Dr. Stephen Covey said in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, begin with the end in mind. “Begin With the End in Mind” is Habit #2 of the seven habits.
Apply Habit #2 for yourself. Make sure you walk through the whole process with your fully-trained Real Mortgage Consultant. Do this before you ever talk with a real estate agent or sign anything.
Your professional Real Mortgage Consultant will help you be sure. Be in control of what you want. Be certain you really can buy your next home after you’ve sold your current house. Do this before you even start.
Nothing in a real estate transaction could be worse than this. You find yourself homeless. Why? Because you could not buy your next home after you already sold your current one.
It’s sad but true . . . this happens to many sellers. They assume that since they’ve sold their home they can easily buy another one.
Your credible Real Mortgage Consultant will help you get pre-approved first. You will know how much you can afford when you search for your next dream home.
This simple and vital step can save you time, money and prevent major disappointment.
A real estate agent can’t look at all your options.
Your leading Real Mortgage Consultant will be able to consider options that a real estate agent can’t.
A real estate agent will only look at one option — selling your home.
Not only that, a real estate agent can only focus on one option — selling your home.
Why? Because that is the real estate agent’s business.
But your Real Mortgage Consultant can look at all your options with a proven track record.
For example, why are you thinking of selling? Is it to save money? Then one of your options could be refinancing instead.
A real estate agent can’t do that. Your Real Mortgage Consultant can with cold, hard facts.
If refinancing is an option for you, it could turn out to be your best choice.
Refinancing is much easier and less stressful than moving.
Moving is a huge job . . . finding a house … packing everything … moving it … unpacking it … getting settled again … changing utilities … etc., etc.
Moving might be your best choice, then it’s worth it. Be sure before you commit to it.
Start the process with your Real Mortgage Consultant, not a real estate agent. Know all your options before you begin. You expect the best. We demand it.
Learn how your general financial situation and your debts affect you.
Your dependable Real Mortgage Consultant will do what a real estate agent can’t do.
Your credible Real Mortgage Consultant can help you with your personal financial situation.
Are you doing great with your finances? Maybe you can do even better.
Are you struggling with your finances? Maybe you can discover some ideas to get out of it.
Do you have too many debts? Maybe it would be better to deal with that first. What are some ways you can get control of that situation?
Is selling your current house and buying another home the best choice for you right now?
Your genuine Real Mortgage Consultant can help you look at all these questions
Caringly. Honestly. All with the sincere desire to help you.
To help you do what is best for you.
Not just sell one house and buy another. That is the limited vision a real estate agent would have. It’s just the nature of how the real estate business works.
Think about the real estate only after your Real Mortgage Consultant says you are ready. Not before. We don’t play games with success.
That is when your Real Mortgage Consultant will bring in a great real estate agent tailored to your needs. That awesome agent from your recognized Real Mortgage Consultant … together it will be a great team to handle selling your current home and buying your next home.
But only after you have considered if it is the best choice for you.
Save time that you can’t get back again.
Think about it. Time is the most precious commodity each of us has.
We only have a limited amount of time in life — and we don’t even know how much time we have.
Please don’t waste your precious time on something you don’t need to do.
Consult with your field-proven Real Mortgage Consultant on possible upgrades. Some upgrades to your house before you sell may not make financial sense.
For example, don’t visit the home improvement store to pick out a new granite countertop. It may not be wise to spend that money.
Use your Real Mortgage Consultant’s agent as a valued advisor. The agent can tell you what kinds of upgrades would make sense. Get the facts and get the job done.
Homes can sell regardless of remodeling. Sellers often find themselves paying the bill for costly renovations. The problem is that they weren’t recovered in the sale price. Your agent and your leading Real Mortgage Consultant can help you avoid this situation. This is so important if it wasn’t necessary, especially if your bank account can’t handle the added strain.
Be sure you will be buying a different home. It doesn’t pay to start dreaming too much first. And it could be costly to start to shop for things for your new home too soon.
Here’s the straight talk. Your Real Mortgage Consultant will advise you to be very cautious. Don’t buy too much too soon for your next home. That common mistake could sabotage the purchase of your new home. It could mean you can’t get the new mortgage loan you thought you were approved for. Falling prey to that common trap could keep you from getting your new home.
Your leading Real Mortgage Consultant will help you save valuable time. The time you can’t ever get back, helping you use your precious time where it will do you the most good.
Give yourself the confidence you need to take advantage of a great opportunity.
It can be so easy to lose confidence about moving ahead.
Go to a real estate agent first and you won’t know for sure.
Only your fully-trained Real Mortgage Consultant can help you be sure.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant, with a proven track record, is the person who can help you check out all your options. You can have the confidence you need.
Your experienced Real Mortgage Consultant can confirm if it is a good idea to sell your house. That can drive unfounded doubts from your mind.
Your credible Real Mortgage Consultant can confirm your finances are in good order. This helps you feel great about moving ahead without hesitation.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant can confirm this is a good choice for you. Don’t settle for less. Let your Real Mortgage Consultant analyze selling your house and buying another one. That gives you great confidence to move forward.
An enthusiastic green light from your professional Real Mortgage Consultant gives you peace. This is especially true if you tend to worry about money.
Then, when that great opportunity for your dream home comes up, you are ready to act now.
Instead of missing out, your dream home can be a reality.
All because you took the right first step … that you checked first with your field-proven Real Mortgage Consultant.
Maximize your financial situation at each step of the process.
Your leading Real Mortgage Consultant helps you maximize your financial situation. This is important at each step of your house selling and home buying process.
Maximize your profit from selling your house.
Set up the right mortgage financing. This maximizes your personal financial situation for the long term.
Learn how to pay off your current loans fast. Avoid adding more loans. You could become more wealthy than you might have ever imagined.
This is why you need to start the process with your experienced Real Mortgage Consultant, not a real estate agent.
A real estate agent can only help you with one thing, selling and buying a house. That is important work. The right agent will be an invaluable source of expert help to you.
But the real estate agent only does one part of the process.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant oversees the whole process. You get all the facts.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant sees the whole picture, not only one piece of it. We bridge the gapbetween you and your mortgage.
So, your recognized Real Mortgage Consultant helps you maximize your financial situation. This happens each step of the way.
Reduce your stress, and everyone’s stress, in the house selling and home buying process.
Planning ahead … checking it all out … knowing where you’re going and that you can actually get there … it’s all so important.
All this helps you, and it helps everyone involved. This can reduce the stress inherent in a real estate transaction.
If you go to a real estate agent first, that good real estate agent will redirect you. That good agent will expect you to talk with your Real Mortgage Consultant first anyway. Be in controlof the process.
A good real estate agent wants to be efficient. There is no sense working with someone who does not have the financial ability to proceed.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant drives the whole process with knowledge and expertise in the market.
Most real estate transactions are dependent on mortgage financing approval. A good real estate agent wants the peace of mind knowing the financing is under control. This is the great control your dependable Real Mortgage Consultant provides.
Appraisers, home inspectors, title agents, lenders … they all need to know the process is in the good hands of your Real Mortgage Consultant. Don’t settle for less!
Your genuine Real Mortgage Consultant can do so much to take away your stress … and take away the stress of everyone involved.
Reduce your stress and start with your Real Mortgage Consultant. Don’t gamble. Bet on a winner!
Get introduced to the right real estate agent at the right time.
Working with the right real estate agent, at the right time in the process, is critical.
It makes the sale of your current house go so much more smoothly.
It enhances your ability to buy your next home.
And the right agent helps both the selling and buying parts of the process work seamlessly. This fits together with the guidance your experienced Real Mortgage Consultant provides. It all works together in a personalized way for you.
It is best for you to work with a real estate agent who already works well with your field-proven Real Mortgage Consultant.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant will already know you and your situation well. So, your dependable Real Mortgage Consultant can suggest a real estate agent who is best for you and your situation.
That is much better than when a home seller jumps the gun and contacts a real estate agent too soon. That messes up what could otherwise be an easy smoothly flowing process for you.
Following your Real Mortgage Consultant’s advice on a great real estate agent for you will do so much for you. Get the facts! It helps you have a great experience throughout the whole process. You can sell your house and buying your next home the best way possible.
You don’t want to let this happen to you.
For a moment, let’s imagine that you ignore all this advice. I’m sure you wouldn’t do that, but let’s imagine it for a moment.
You think about selling your house and moving to another home.
You may not even know why you’re thinking about it. But you are thinking about it.
A random real estate agent
So, you take a random chance and you call a real estate agent. Maybe it’s a friend. Or a friend of a friend. Or a name you saw on a bus stop seat, or in an advertisement.
You don’t know how good this agent is. This agent doesn’t know much about you.
But even so, the agent convinces you to go ahead and list your home for sale. You sign the listing agreement.
You don’t know if you’re doing the right thing. No one has looked carefully at your personal situation. You don’t even know for sure that you are qualified to buy another home.
You think you are, but you don’t know for sure.
You’re going ahead all on faith.
Faith in this randomly chosen real estate agent.
Faith in the assumption that it will all work out.
Selling your home
So now this real estate agent says you need to get your home ready for sale.
And you need to hold an open house.
Because the market is hot. And you don’t want to miss out on a great potential buyer.
So you hurry up. You do some painting. You throw things away.
You “stage” your house so it looks great. This actually limits your ability to live normally in your own house. Now you have to be so ready anytime for a potential buyer.
It can be a very stressful, frantic time.
So your agent brings a buyer. Sooner than you expected. Moving pretty fast.
The price looks good, but is it the price you need? Your agent tells you that often the best offer comes first, so you’re scared to turn it down.
You accept the offer. With a closing date not that far in the future.
Trying to buy your next home
Now you have to move.
But wait, now you need to find another home.
Oh, wait! You haven’t been pre-approved for a mortgage yet!
So you hurry into a typical run-of-the-mill loan officer to get your pre-approval. It could be the loan officer this randomly chosen real estate agent told you to see.
You need a valid pre-approval before you can make an offer on your next home.
So you give this typical run-of-the-mill loan officer some quick information.
And that typical run-of-the-mill loan officer says that based on what you said, you should be able to buy your home.
All you received was a worthless pre-qualification from this typical run-of-the-mill loan officer.
You find a house to buy, it looks pretty good.
Now, this typical run-of-the-mill loan officer has to do the real work. This is the work that should have been done earlier.
This loan officer needs to process a real mortgage application. This loan officer needs to collect the documents proving everything.
That’s what should have been done in the first place. Prepare the application … collect the documents … get a lender pre-approval … and issue a real pre-approval letter.
But that typical run-of-the-mill loan officer didn’t do any of that. That loan officer only gave a worthless pre-qualification. It was based on what you said, nothing else.
And now that loan officer is doing the real work that should have been done upfront. And this loan officer finds a problem with your financial situation. Maybe a problem you didn’t even know about.
You’re in trouble
That typical run-of-the-mill loan officer can’t get you approved for a mortgage.
You can’t buy your next home.
You’re stuck.
You’ve already committed to selling your current home. You can’t go back on that deal.
You’re going to have to rent.
Hopefully, the problem that kept you from buying won’t keep you from approval to rent.
All of a sudden, the possibility of homelessness looms in your mind.
Soon. Very soon. Possibly in as little as 30-45 days from now.
All because you messed up this process from the way it should work . . .
Here is how it should work
You should contact your fully-trained Real Mortgage Consultant first.
That’s the way it should work, but yet very few people do it this way.
Most people do it the wrong way
You see, the reality is that most people do it the wrong way.
They hire the real estate agent first. Not a Real Mortgage Consultant. Don’t settle for less.
Often it works out. They sell their house. They buy their next home. The transaction closes.
But there was more stress than there needed to be.
They didn’t do as well financially as they could have.
Maybe they didn’t get the best home they could have gotten.
Their fate is now to be part of the 95% of people who lose financially, rather than the 5% who WIN financially.
All because they twisted this process around and hired a real estate agent first.
The real estate agent is a critical person in selling your house and buying your next home. And you need a good one.
But the real estate agent is not the first person you should talk with.
Do it right
You need your credible Real Mortgage Consultant who knows your total financial situation.
Your Real Mortgage Consultant helps you with a defined, systematic plan tailored to your needs. You can be successful at selling your house and buying your next home. You WIN for your long-term financial well being.
Your dependable Real Mortgage Consultant oversees the whole process for you. You receive awesome help making good, strategic decisions. Decisions that are best for you at each step of the process.
Don’t jump the gun and randomly do the wrong thing.
Do the right thing.
Here’s the straight talk. Contact your Real Mortgage Consultant first.
Contact your Real Mortgage Consultant now.
Do this first. Before you contact anyone else. Let your Real Mortgage Consultant guide you through the whole straightforward process.
Let your experienced Real Mortgage Consultant guide you to WIN with your mortgage … WIN with selling your current house … and WIN with your new home.